Course staff has been working on making problem generators for exams and practice problems.
We have links here for your use.
Quick Reference
OCaml (4.14)
Formal grammars and finite automata
Lambda calculus
Ruby On Rails
- Rails is a
full-stack framework for developing database-backed web
applications according to the Model-View-Control
Other relevant texts
Previous required texts for CMSC 330 have chapters on
relevant topics covered in this course. If the lecture
notes are insufficient, look for these books. They should
be available in the university library.
- Concepts of Programming Languages (Seventh
Edition) by R. Sebesta, Addison Wesley (2006)
(ISBN 0-321-33025-0).
- Programming Languages: Design and Implementation
(Fourth Edition) by T. Pratt and M. Zelkowitz,
Prentice Hall (2001) (ISBN 0-13-027678-2).
- O'ReillyHistory of Programming Languages Poster