Join the Team

"330 is the best class. It has the best TAs. Everyone says so."


As a 330 TA, you get to help continue the tradition of 330 being the best class. You get to contribute directly to almost all aspects of the course, which in turn means you get to help influence hundreds of students per semester. We also believe that learning does not stop once you become a TA. We train our TAs in a variety of industry and non-industry tools like Git/Github, Docker, Bash, and LOLCODE.

To be a TA in the CS Department, the following must be true:

You can read more about this on the department website.

The CMSC330 TA hiring process is straightforward:

  1. First, read the 330 TA Responsibilities.
  2. If you still wish to TA, you must fill out the Departmental TA Application: [Undergrad] [Graduate]. This is the department form and only open during certain times in the semester. Check back frequently to see if the form has opened up.
  3. If you put CMSC330 as your first or second preference, we will send an email with further steps.
    • This email will have a google form for you to fill out with a questionnaire
    • This email will also include the semester specific course responsibilities
  4. The instructors and the Head TAs will go through responses and start selecting TAs on a rolling basis.
  5. Once all TAs have been chosen, we will send onboarding information to get you up to speed on our systems and conventions.


How many slots do you have open?
Not sure. Depends on how many current TAs graduated and the enrollment numbers of the course.

Do you have any further restrictions than the departmental ones?
Nope! In fact, I try to waive the A- requirement. Just because you did well in the course does not mean you make a good TA.

What are you looking for in a TA?
Try to think about TAs you have had or have currently. What qualities do you like about them, and what qualities do you not like about them? Channel the former and not the latter.

Do you have a distinction between discussion TAs and grading TAs?
Nope. Everyone grades. If you want to do more you can lead a discussion, but that is considered extra to your TA duties.

Can I lead multiple discussions?
Depends on demand. I try to give everyone who wants a discussion the opportunity. There may be more pigeon holes than pigeons or vice versa.

Do I get a rubber duck?
Yes! I give you one (1) rubber duck each semester you TA for me.