

Unit Testing
Property Based Testing



Test: routine that checks the operation of your code

Why Test

  • Save Time
  • Allows for Expansion
  • Increases Trust
  • Helps Collaboration

Unit Testing

Unit test: testing units of a program

int square(int x){
  return x * x;

We can test in with print statements:

printf("%d squared is %d",2,sqaure(2));
printf("%d squared is %d",0,sqaure(0));
printf("%d squared is %d",-2,sqaure(-2));

We can test in with print statements:

printf("%d squared is %d",2,square(2));
printf("%d squared is %d",0,square(0));
printf("%d squared is %d",-2,square(-2));

Or in a repl:

> square(2)
> square(0)
> square(-2)

Or in a repl:

> square(2)
> square(0)
> square(-2)

Or use a Testing Framework (OUnit, JUnit, assert.h)

void test_square(){
  assert(square(2) == 4);
  assert(square(0) == 0);
  assert(square(-2) == 4);

There are some limitations

  • Need to think of things to check
  • Writing becomes O(n)
  • Edge Cases hard to think of

Enter Property Based Testing

Property Based Testing

Enter Property Based Testing

Property Based Testing (PBT): testing if code satisfies properties

Property: Something we expect to be true

Property: Something we expect to be true

Some examples

  • Squaring a number should not change its parity
  • Reversing a list twice should have no effect
  • Adding an element to a list, then looking up that element should succeed
  • Deleting an element in a list, then looking up that element should fail
  • A sorted list should have smallest value at index 0
  • Squaring a number should not change its parity

Once we have a property, we need to express our property in terms of code

int square_parity(int x){
  return x%2 == square(x)%2;
  • Squaring a number should not change its parity

Once we have a property, we need to express our property in terms of code

int square_property(int x){
  return x%2 == square(x)%2;

Then generate random inputs

for(int i=0; i < 1000; i++){
  int x = rand();

Then generate random inputs

for(int i=0; i < 1000; i++){
  int x = rand();

Or use a PBT framework

#include <theft.h>
theft_config config = { 
.alloc = generate_int_array,
.prop1 = square_property,

Limitations on PBT

  • Not everything can be a property
  • Property may be invalid
  • Conversion of property to code can be incorrect
  • May just get lucky

Limitations on PBT

  • Not everything can be a property
    • User input is very hard to make properties for
  • Property may be invalid
  • Conversion of property to code can be incorrect
  • May just get lucky

Limitations on PBT

  • Not everything can be a property
  • Property may be invalid
    • square(x) > x
  • Conversion of property to code can be incorrect
  • May just get lucky

Limitations on PBT

  • Not everything can be a property
  • Property may be invalid
  • Conversion of property to code can be incorrect
    • square(x) <= x
  • May just get lucky

Limitations on PBT

  • Not everything can be a property
  • Property may be invalid
  • Conversion of property to code can be incorrect
  • May just get lucky
    • generator randomly makes small values, no int overflow