Test: routine that checks the operation of your code
Why Test
Unit test: testing units of a program
int square(int x){
return x * x;
We can test in with print statements:
printf("%d squared is %d",2,sqaure(2));
printf("%d squared is %d",0,sqaure(0));
printf("%d squared is %d",-2,sqaure(-2));
We can test in with print statements:
printf("%d squared is %d",2,square(2));
printf("%d squared is %d",0,square(0));
printf("%d squared is %d",-2,square(-2));
Or in a repl:
> square(2)
> square(0)
> square(-2)
Or in a repl:
> square(2)
> square(0)
> square(-2)
Or use a Testing Framework (OUnit, JUnit, assert.h)
void test_square(){
assert(square(2) == 4);
assert(square(0) == 0);
assert(square(-2) == 4);
There are some limitations
Enter Property Based Testing
Enter Property Based Testing
Property Based Testing (PBT): testing if code satisfies properties
Property: Something we expect to be true
Property: Something we expect to be true
Some examples
Once we have a property, we need to express our property in terms of code
int square_parity(int x){
return x%2 == square(x)%2;
Once we have a property, we need to express our property in terms of code
int square_property(int x){
return x%2 == square(x)%2;
Then generate random inputs
for(int i=0; i < 1000; i++){
int x = rand();
Then generate random inputs
for(int i=0; i < 1000; i++){
int x = rand();
Or use a PBT framework
#include <theft.h>
theft_config config = {
.alloc = generate_int_array,
.prop1 = square_property,
Limitations on PBT
Limitations on PBT
Limitations on PBT
Limitations on PBT
Limitations on PBT